Monday, June 6, 2011

Jake is 8 weeks old today!

Jake is 8 weeks old today!  He is such a doll......always happy, smiling and cooing.  He is only getting up ONCE per night now....between 1:30-2:30, yay!!!!  I'll take it, hopefully he will follow in his brother's footsteps and start sleeping all the way through the night in another 4 weeks :-)

This one was taken this morning after he ate :-)

These were all taken tonight.....I can remember when I looked at this cute onesie and thought it would be forever until he could fit into it and now look, it's a 3 month size and it fits :-(  He is getting so big!

First time in the bumbo seat

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

He really is getting so big! Such a sweet little man