Monday, March 14, 2011

Just some thoughts

So much has been on my mind lately that I need to write it all down.....April 11 is quickly is actually 4 weeks from today!  With that around the corner, I have been thinking about Emery & Owen and how all of this going to work.  I wonder how I will handle 3 kiddos under age 3.  I have so many feelings....from anxiety to excitement.  Everyone tells you that you are outnumbered when you go to 3 and I see it, I mean we only have 2 hands right?

Emery has all of the sudden shown a huge interest in potty training, so we have been working on it for the past week.  When we are home, he is doing great, asking to go on the potty and everything, but when we leave the house, it leaves his mind :-)  So we are taking things one day at a time and we will see if he sticks with it.  I was going to try to have him potty trained before baby came, but I decided months ago that the task was too huge and didn't want to put too much pressure on myself or try to force him (which I know wouldn't work anyway :-) So here we are! 

Emery amazes me everyday with his vocabulary and his ability to speak in full sentences.  He says things sometimes and I just ask myself.... where in the world did you learn that or how do you know that already?  He is very observant and aware of his surroundings.  His behavior can also be very challenging at times, but I guess that comes with the terrible 2's!  It is hard to believe that he will be 3 in May......where did my baby boy go?  He is growing up before our eyes so quickly!  It feels like yesterday I was holding him as a newborn in my arms and rocking him to sleep.  He is so loving and sweet and constantly melts my heart when he says " I love you mommy" and gives me a big hug and kiss.  He loves Owen to pieces and plays hard with him too :-)

Owen is approaching 18 months old....he is really changing.  He is all over the place and is pretty fast these days.  He is such a character and has developed quite the personality.  He lets you know when he wants something and demands it :-)  He isn't saying much in the way of words yet...he says mama, dada, choo-choo and go but he understands everything we say to him and can follow directions pretty well.  He is such a love and will give kisses on command :-)  He points to everything and says "Da"...which is way cute.  He loves to play hide and seek and loves his blankets.

I just can't stop thinking about how their worlds are about to change.  They will be sharing a room soon which I am honestly dreading since I know they will keep each other up at times, but I am sure they will adjust over time.  I have anxiety about how I will give each child enough individual attention and how I will be able to spend enough time with them but I am sure that it will get better over time.  I am excited to meet baby boy #3 and hope that I can be the best mom that I can be.  I have said it before but I will say again, being a mother is the toughest job I have ever had hands down!  But by far the most rewarding one and I feel grateful to my heavenly father for giving me this opportunity.  I guess all I can do now is hold on for the ride!!!


Shane and Amy Jo said...

Sweet words about your boys. I for one cannot wait to meet baby boy #3! It will be hard, no doubt. me!!!!! Complain to me! Cry, laugh, scream, and just get it out. You are not alone, even though it can often feel that way. I wish we lived a little closer...I would take your older boys all day every day in a second. And I still give you some relief. Enjoy these last few weeks as a family of 4!

Brooke said...

Aww this made me weepy! You are doing to go so great with 3 boys...I just know it!I wish I could give you advice but I can' are the more experienced one! ha! all I can do is remind you to look at how great of a job you have done with Emery & Owen!!

Amber said...

you're gonna do great!! and your boys are great. love ya.