Sunday, March 27, 2011

Emery's prayer tonight

Just had to share Emery's prayer at bedtime tonight.....Emery, Owen, Jason and I were all in their room on the floor and Emery says the prayer:

"Heavenly Father....thank you for this day, thank you for mommy, daddy, Owen, Emery Quinn Huszar and I don't know his name (referring to baby brother in my belly :-) so we tell him to say baby brother which he does....then he goes on to say "thank you for our house, thank you for our food, thank you for our garage, thank you for mommy's car, thank you for daddy's red motorcycle, thank you for Jesus, in Jesus name, Amen"

Jason and I just looked at each other with pure was a sweet moment....he is growing up so quick!
Slow down Emery......we LOVE you soooo much, you are a precious child of God!


Brooke said...

That is adorable! Emery is a smart little boy! Kids come up with the cutest of you to write it down. I need to run do the same, its so easy to forget!!

Amber said...

that's the cutest prayer ever :)