Wednesday, March 16, 2011

35 weeks

I am 35 weeks and HUGE!!  I haven't posted a belly pic in a while and now I know why!  I can't believe how big I don't realize it until you see a picture of yourself.....this poor baby is running out of room.  Unfortunately I do not have height on my side and there is nowhere for him to go but OUT :-)

I am very uncomfortable these days....not sleeping well at night and many trips to the bathroom :-)  Taking care of the boys is getting more and more difficult since I have to get down on the floor and change diapers, etc.  And now since Emery is spending lots of time in the bathroom using the "potty", I am getting tired...but still trying to take in every second of being pregnant since this is our last baby.  I still LOVE feeling his every move and kick.  April 11 will be here before we know it!!


Meet the Bucher's said...

You look great! I know it's so uncomfortable and hard to move around to chase the boys. Before you know it though you'll be un-pregnant and have a beautiful boy to show for it all! Looking forward to seeing you guys tomorrow!

Shane and Amy Jo said...

I think you look great!

Amber said...

i think you look great too :)