Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Happy 17 months Jake!

Jake is 17 months old today!  He is really trying to say some words these days.  He says "awg" for dog, "ash" for trash, "uck" for truck, up, go, hot, mama, dada, hi and bye.  He takes one nap a day and usually it lasts about 3 hours.  He is getting very fiesty...and knows what he wants and when he wants it and boy if you take something away or his big brothers do, watch out!  He screams at the top of his lungs and throws a major tantrum.  I joke all the time and ask "where did my sweet little content baby go?", he is quite the character and has developed such a strong personality.  Jason and I were just saying last night, how did all 3 boys become so strong willed and stubborn?  I guess it's our parent karma :-)  but he really is such a sweet boy still and has his moments where he loves to cuddle and be a love.    It's hard to believe that he will be a BIG brother to his baby sister in less than 3 months!

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