Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Emery's 1st day at Pre-K

Emery's 1st day of Pre-K is today!  He will be going to the preschool up in Idaho City on Tuesdays and Thursdays from
8-3, a long day for a 4 year old, but I know he will thrive.  I am a nervous wreck today....just thinking of how he is doing and wondering if he will get on the bus home.  A friend of mine that lives close to us has a 5 year old daughter that is in his class that offered to drive him this morning, so that was great, but now hoping he gets on the bus home. 

He was sure filled with excitement this morning.......he could barely contain himself :-)  Armed with his new batman backpack and lunchbag, he was ready to go! Jason drove him to my friend's house bright and early at 7:15.  We had a family prayer before they left and Jason and I shed some tears.

We are so proud of you Emery Quinn and the great little boy that you are.  We wish you the best and love you with all of our hearts.  When I picked up Owen from his preschool, he asked "where's brother mommy?", "when is he coming home?"......he misses him too!

1 comment:

Shane and Amy Jo said...

This post made me a little teary too. Go Emery!!!