Sunday, October 21, 2012

Emery's 1st Primary Program

Emery participated in the primary program at church this morning.  They have a big program once a year where all the kids ages 4 to 12 share testimonies and have short talks and sing the wonderful music they have been practicing all year.  We were very nervous because Emery doesn't like crowds and doesn't like people staring at him and certainly doesn't enjoy being put on the spot.  We weren't even sure he would go up there but he surprised us.  He marched right up there with all the kids, taking his place in the front row.  He stood up for every song and actually sang the words :-)  He went up to the pulpit and said his few lines right into the microphone without hesitation. We listened as he said "Jesus is our example, he showed us the path". Jason and I were overcome with emotion as big tears rolled down our faces as we watched our big 4 year old up there, it was a tender sweet moment, one that will be engrained in our memories forever. We are so proud of him!

He got an ice cream treat when we got home :-)

Way to go Emery Quinn!!!!!

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