Sunday, April 10, 2011

Some thoughts the day before delivery!

I just wanted to share some thoughts that I am having the day before I deliver our third baby boy.  It has been a tough week as I have not slept much  and my mind has been racing a lot.  I have so many emotions right now, it's crazy!  I am so excited to meet this baby and see what he looks like and hold him my arms for the first time.  I am praying for a safe delivery and that he is healthy.  A c-section is such a standard surgery these days that we don't think about it as surgery sometimes just because they are so common.  Even though I have had 2 other ones, I still get a bit anxious thinking about the actual surgery, but at least I know what to expect and I trust my doctor completely.

Our lives are about to change in such a huge way in the next 24 hours and it is a bit surreal thinking about it.  Today we are at home enjoying the sunshine with "Grandma Kim" here and the boys are loving it.  I am doing last minute things to have everything ready for baby for when we come home on Wednesday.  This is our last day as a family of 4 and I am just trying to take in every minute with my boys. I can honestly say I am not looking forward to the recovery part which is never fun but that is just part of the process of giving birth :-) Please keep us in your prayers tomorrow morning.  We have to be there at 6am and the surgery is scheduled for 7:30 so we will do our best to post something soon after.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you, Christy! Can't wait to see your new addition--I know he'll be adorable just like his brothers :)