Saturday, April 16, 2011

Jake's birth story

I wanted to share Jake's birth story.  On Sunday April 10th at 5:15 pm, I experienced my first contraction ever.  I had never had a contraction with Emery & Owen and their c-sections were scheduled as well due to the issue with my pelvis shape. So, this time around was no different, April 11th was the scheduled c-section date for Jake's arrival.  Jason's mom, Kim started writing down every contraction, it went something like this.....first one at 5:15pm, then 5:57, 6:49, 7:20, 8:19, 8:26, 8:52, and well then they got to be 20 minutes apart, then 15, then 10, then all of a sudden it was about 11:30pm and they were 5 minutes and I started to panic.  I woke Jason up and told him that I needed to call the hospital and ask about what we should do.  I had never been through labor before and I was so scared.  Jason was in a bit of denial at first, I mean this wasn't supposed to happen, we were both in denial....I was scheduled for a 6:00am c-section.  We called triage and they first told me to get in a warm bath and see if they calmed down, well by the time I got into the bathroom and Jason was running the bath water, they were 2 minutes apart.   We both started to panic and threw last minute items in the hospital bag. We told my mom who was downstairs on the couch and we left.   

Now for the exciting part.....driving down the mountain at midnight with contractions 2 minutes apart and going over every pothole in the road.  Then speeding down Highway 21 with deer popping out on the sides of the road, it was really crazy!  I was in soooo much pain and it was the longest drive of my life.....40 minutes felt like an eternity!  We pulled up to the front of the hospital and left the car there and made our way up to the 2nd floor of labor & delivery.  They hooked me up to the monitor and saw that my contractions were still 2 minutes apart and the nurse says "wow, you are in a good labor pattern" and I wanted to say "No, really?", HA!.  They told me that they would call the doctor and see what they recommended to see if there was a chance I could wait until 6:00 am when my doctor could do the c-section.  Before I knew it, they were prepping me for surgery and said the baby wasn't tolerating the contractions too well and they needed to do it now.  It was pretty surreal.....being wheeled down to the OR after being there for almost 2 hours in excruciating pain, I was about to meet my son.  As soon as I got onto the operating table, my water broke and there was meconium which meant that baby had a bowel movement, which there was a concern that he could of swallowed some into his lungs. 

The surgery began and he was born at 2:40am.  They checked him out quickly and his lungs were clear, which was a major relief!  He was a healthy 7 pounds, 10 ounces and 19 1/2 inches long.  He was perfect and beautiful.  It is difficult to put in words the feeling I had when I saw him for the first time...I mean, you carry this baby for 9 months and wonder what he will look like and if he will be healthy and then you see him for the first time and feel this instant love.  I feel truly grateful that he is healthy and that my Heavenly Father has given me the opportunity to be his mother. 

1 comment:

Shane and Amy Jo said...

The delivery process is just so crazy. I honestly don't know how women did it without modern technology. Unbelievable. I'm just so glad that he made it safe and sound.
Hope to talk soon. Had a crazy mom and sis in town. Cousin's wedding. Then a big family trek activity/breakfast at my house the next morning. Then to Twin on Saturday for Lauren's big night. And back that same night for Sunday. Crazy. This week should be much calmer...I'm anxious to visit with you...hopefully tomorrow! Hope you had a good visit with Dave & Amber!