Thursday, May 10, 2012

Sweet Cody

We have had a really tough week.  Our 7 year old dog Cody got very sick on Monday morning, he was completely fine the day before or so we thought.  Jason got up early Monday morning and noticed 2 big pools of blood in the garage and noticed Cody wasn't acting right.  I monitored him until the afternoon and decided it was time to take him to the vet.  They did some blood work and found he was extremely sick and thought he may have ingested something toxic.  And then they found a large mass and they think he has lymphoma.  It has been a day by day process, he hasn't eaten all week and just started drinking water yesterday.  He ate an ounce of chicken this morning but can't seem to get him to eat anymore.  The vet is discouraged and thinks it may be time to let him go. 

It's amazing how much a dog becomes part of your family.  We love our sweet Cody, he really is such a good animal with a sweet sweet soul that loves us unconditionally.  Emery has grown attached to him and it's been very difficult watching him go through this week too.  We keep telling him that Cody is very sick and he may have to go to heaven soon and he just cries and cries, it's heartbreaking!

It's also been hard to watch our other dogs (Cody's brothers) and how they are responding to him being sick.  We are worried that they will not make it much longer after Cody is gone.  Jason and I have had a lot of tears, I mean A LOT, it's been hard to know what to do because we want to do the very best for Cody and we don't want him to suffer or be in any pain.  This last picture was taken last night when Jason got home from work, he was crying and I was crying too :-(

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