Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Look who's going to be a BIG brother

Jake will be a BIG brother at the end of November :-)  Yep, we are expecting #4!!!!  We are excited to welcome another baby into our family....and are feeling truly blessed.  We prayed about expanding our family and received an answer that we were supposed to try for 1 more and God has given us the opportunity.  I posted our announcement on facebook and lets just say there's a lot of people hoping we have a girl :-) but we just praying for a healthy baby, it doesn't matter to us, we love boys and a girl would be fun and WAY different for us!!!


Shane and Amy Jo said...

Yes. I was shocked at how many people commented about hoping it's a girl. No subtlety there!!! Jake is the cutest big brother ever!! his two big brothers are pretty dang cute too!

Brooke said...

This is awesome news!!!I am happy for you guys! Wish I had the courage to have do you do it?! You will do great and I think I am secretly hoping for another boy for you..this way you remain gueen of the house ha!!