I thought I would share some fun things that Emery has been saying and doing at his 3 1/2 milestone......here is Emery the other day after preschool.....they made these hats and told the teacher what they were grateful for and she wrote them on each feather.
Here's the list:
Toys, Papas (Papa Tony and Grandpa Erv), feathers :-), mommy, daddy, Jake & Owen, movies & my animals. They also made a teepee (no idea how to spell that?), anyway, Emery LOVES going to preschool....he loves his teacher and his friends there. He told his teacher one day " I just love you Miss Patricia", yep that melted her heart :-)
Here are some of his favorite sayings:
I made the mistake of saying to Emery one time, "ok, Emery here's the deal, you have 2 choices, and gave him his 2 choices, so now he will tell me all the time, "Mommy, you want to hear my deal?" and then proposes something......it's too funny!
One day, Emery and Owen were fighting (this happens all day long) but this day I said "Emery, please stop fighting with your brother, and he says "but animals fight mommy", and I say "but Emery you are not an animal" and he replies "but I can pretend to be one".
When he is using the bathroom, he says to me "Go into the living room mommy so I can take my privacy"
He has a saying where he says "kids_________", example was the other day Emery got some urine on his undies, and he says to me "mommy, sometimes kids have accidents, it's ok". I will ask him to do do something like pick up his toys and he will respond "kids don't like to pick up toys". Or if I ask him to brush his teeth, "kids don't like to brush their teeth".
Every time I drop Emery off at preschool, he says "I love you mommy, let me give you a hug and kiss, have a good trip".
Lately, every night at dinner, Emery says "thank you mommy for making this _____", it's so sweet!
Almost every night, Emery says a prayer before bed with all of us, we don't prompt him or tell him what to say, he gives such meaningful heartfelt prayers and always thanks his heavenly father for his friends and family...it really is the sweetest thing ever!
Emery is a very sweet kid.....he is so loving and really enjoys being with his friends and family. He is SO stubborn (I wonder where he gets that from :-) and can be very defiant at times. He is funny too and has such a great sense of humor! I can't believe he is 3 1/2 already.....the time is going too fast, wish I could hit the pause button.....it's so fun watching him learn new things everyday and trying to figure out the world. He is an awesome big brother and adores Owen & Jake.