Monday, November 28, 2011

Emery's best friends turn 4!!!

Emery's best friends in the whole world turned 4 yesterday.......they had a great firetruck cake and Emery was so excited to eat it :-)  I love that he has 2 best friends and they are twins, how fun!!
 This is Cade below
And Carson

They got this new rocking horse and Emery LOVED it....he's been talking about it all day saying "I really miss that horsey mommy"

I just love this one below.....while everyone was singing happy birthday, Emery had his hands over his ears!

Happy birthday Tucker boys, we just love you guys!!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving at our house.  We have so much to be grateful for!  We decided to boycott turkey this year :-) I think we may have started a new tradition.....ham and trip tip, yum!!!

My cousin Taylor came from California, it was so nice to see her

I think my cousin and I look a lot alike....she has been a blonde her whole life but decided to go dark, we would really look alike if we had the same hair color :-)

Emery & Owen started surprise there!

Owen was running down the couch on top of everyone!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What Emery is up to at 3 1/2

I thought I would share some fun things that Emery has been saying and doing at his 3 1/2 is Emery the other day after preschool.....they made these hats and told the teacher what they were grateful for and she wrote them on each feather. 
Here's the list:
Toys, Papas (Papa Tony and Grandpa Erv), feathers :-), mommy, daddy, Jake & Owen, movies & my animals.  They also made a teepee (no idea how to spell that?), anyway, Emery LOVES going to preschool....he loves his teacher and his friends there.  He told his teacher one day " I just love you Miss Patricia", yep that melted her heart :-)

Here are some of his favorite sayings:
  • I made the mistake of saying to Emery one time, "ok, Emery here's the deal, you have 2 choices, and gave him his 2 choices, so now he will tell me all the time, "Mommy, you want to hear my deal?" and then proposes's too funny!
  • One day, Emery and Owen were fighting (this happens all day long) but this day I said "Emery, please stop fighting with your brother, and he says "but animals fight mommy", and I say "but Emery you are not an animal" and he replies "but I can pretend to be one".
  • When he is using the bathroom, he says to me "Go into the living room mommy so I can take my privacy"
  • He has a saying where he says "kids_________", example was the other day Emery got some urine on his undies, and he says to me "mommy, sometimes kids have accidents, it's ok".  I will ask him to do do something like pick up his toys and he will respond "kids don't like to pick up toys".  Or if I ask him to brush his teeth, "kids don't like to brush their teeth".
  • Every time I drop Emery off at preschool, he says "I love you mommy, let me give you a hug and kiss, have a good trip".
  • Lately, every night at dinner, Emery says "thank you mommy for making this _____",  it's so sweet!
  • Almost every night, Emery says a prayer before bed with all of us, we don't prompt him or tell him what to say, he gives such meaningful heartfelt prayers and always thanks his heavenly father for his friends and really is the sweetest thing ever!

Emery is a very sweet kid.....he is so loving and really enjoys being with his friends and family.  He is  SO stubborn (I wonder where he gets that from :-) and can be very defiant at times.  He is funny too and has such a great sense of humor!  I can't believe he is 3 1/2 already.....the time is going too fast, wish I could hit the pause's so fun watching him learn new things everyday and trying to figure out the world. He is an awesome big brother and adores Owen & Jake. 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Boys just lovin bath time

Took these of the boys last night in the bathtub....I was holding Jake with one arm and taking a picture with the other.....yep, you get pretty good at this multitasking stuff when you have 3 :-)

LOVE Owen's face in this 2nd one.....he looks evil!!

Then I got Jake out and the screaming began

It was SO loud!

It's been really hard lately managing all their different needs and dealing with Owen and Emery fighting constantly, but I have to remember to soak in these moments when they are happy and love being with each other.  These moments make it all worth it!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Jake's 7 month post (a little late)

Jake was 7 months old on November 11.....7 months, did that happen?  It seems like the days and the months fly by around here. 

He is getting up on all 4's :-) and rocking back and forth

It's pretty cute!

He is saying his own language....we hear "Ah da da da da da" a lot....why is it that babies seem to prefer to say dada before mama?  He is still taking 2 good naps during the day and sleeps through the night mostly, except when he is teething.  He loves to eat baby food, anything really, he's not picky yet :-)
Thank you Jake for being such a sweetheart and going with the flow.....your BIG brothers are sure loud and you just take it all in with a smile. 

We're back!

We are back after over a week without a camera.....our other one broke and we tried to take it back to Costco but we were 5 days past the 1 year warranty...what a bummer! 

Here's Jake during dinner last night....notice all the drool on his onesie and his 2 bottom teeth coming in :-)  He's been a bit miserable, waking up lots at night but they are so cute....what is it about baby teeth that are so cute?  I am just glad babies don't remember the pain!

The boys this morning

Mommy made muffins......pure excitement on their faces :-)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Pics from Sunday

Here are some pics from Sunday

I am feeling grateful for Jason and my boys.  Jason is such a great father to our boys, they are truly blessed to have him.  I have been in such a funk lately....having a 3 1/2 year old, a 2 year old and a baby is quite challenging to say the least.....and I find myself feeling frustrated, mostly because Owen and Emery fight a lot which is draining and it wears me down at times......but then we have our sweet moments when Emery tells me that he loves me and gives me a hug and kiss for no reason and when Owen says "luv you" and plants a big kiss on my cheek right before bed and Jake cuddles up with me and his smile melts my heart..... these are the moments that I realize it is all worth it!!  Being a mother of 3 little ones is no joke.....I really am outnumbered, but I wouldn't change it for anything.  God has blessed us with these 3 precious souls to take care of and I am very grateful for that.  Ok, I'll stop now :-) because I could go on forever.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Trick or Treating

We took the boys trick or treating for the very first time....they LOVED it!  It was so fun to watch their excitement as they went to each house to get candy. 

Emery kept saying "I am having fun mommy"
Owen was off and running

Some people really go all out with decorations, so fun!

The boys with their buddies, Cade & Carson

This was too funny....I tried to walk ahead to get a pic and they all started running towards me!

Jake had fun too :-)

Here's all of us at the end of the night....the boys were tired and decided the
stroller was the way to go!