Sunday, July 25, 2010

BBQ at our house

We had a BBQ at our house Friday night. It was great to have friends over and hang out. The kids LOVED catching the millions of grasshoppers we have in our yard. Emery enjoys older kids sooo much.
Here is Logan putting a grasshopper on Emery's head

Madi playing chase with Emery

Alec let Owen wear his hat, it just about fits :-)

I don't think J was quite ready for the pic!

Miles & Owen (they are 3 months apart)

Melanie & Nathan

Paul, Megan & Miles

Amy & Shane (the lighting wasn't right on this one, but they are such a cute couple :-)

Kelly & Alec


Amber said...

looks like fun. and yes, Shane and Amy ARE really cute :)

Shane and Amy Jo said...

Awe....thanks!!! We are just taking after some of our favorite friends...Huszars...and Kellers!!!

Des said...

ok, I finally found your blog. I tried to click on it when you left a comment for me, but it went to some weird page and I figured you were private. I was going to ask you all about it at the zoo, but sadly I didn't get much of a chance to talk and get to know you. I understand. kids.
You are so cute, and fun, I'm glad I can read your blog and get to know a little here. Your boys are so handsome- Owen's smile melts my heart. such a cute family. I hope we can get to know you guys better!