Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Some thoughts before the big day

I thought I would take some time to write down some thoughts I am having. I can't believe Owen will be here tomorrow. I am having so many emotions that it is difficult to express them in words. I am excited, nervous, anxious, happy,and sad all at the same time, is that possible? I can't wait to meet Owen Anthony and to see his face and give him a kiss. I am nervous about the surgery even though I have been through it once before, I know what to expect and it makes me feel a bit anxious. I am nervous about the delivery and just pray that Owen will be healthy. There are no guarantees and it is easy to take things for granted but I have strong faith that everything will be ok. I am feeling a little sad that this is our last night with Emery just the 3 of us. Emery has no idea what is about to happen and I just hope that he can adjust well. He is still our baby and so young but I know that he and Owen will be great friends one day. I hope and pray that I can be a great mother to both of my boys. Emery has been such an amazing blessing and such a joy. I can't wait to meet baby Owen. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers this evening. We love all of you and thanks for all of your support and kindness.


Bastian Duo said...

You guys are in my thoughts and prayers. Everything is going to go great tomorrow. Can't wait to see the new little Huszar addition.

Amber said...

aw..that made me cry :) I'm so excited for you guys...and can't wait to meet him either!!

Khara said...

Christy, Jason & Emery,
Thinking of you all today. Can't wait to "meet" Owen. I hope everything went as smoothly as possible today for all of you.

Your going to be a terrific Mommy to both your boys. It may not be easy, but it's such a blessing and they are very very lucky to have you!!!
xxoo Khara & fam

Allie said...

Congratulations on having Owen enter your family. We miss and love you guys. I can't wait to see Owen. Hopefully soon.