Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What happend?

Okay, so I just had to document this information about Mr. Emery. He has been such a good eater with his baby food. He ate every kind of fruit and vegetable and then he turned 10 months old on Sunday. All of the sudden, he won't eat baby food at all!!!! He only wants to eat what Jason and I are eating. Jason says "can you blame him?", we watched an episode of Scrubs once that had a baby shower and referred to the baby food smell as "cab driver feet"!!!! Jason finds the smell nauseating and we just laugh. So, there goes my whole routine. Now I am trying to figure out what to feed him. Just when you get a good routine down, it changes, right? This first time mommy is just trying to figure all of this out!!! I can only hope that he doesn't become picky eaters like his parents :)

1 comment:

Amanda Jean said...

So cute! Now that you are pregnant you may see a side of him you've never seen before... enjoy every moment!