Tuesday, December 2, 2008

New milestones

Emery turned 6 months old on Saturday November 29th!! I thought it would be fun to do a comparison of what he looked like in his car seat the day we brought him home from the hospital and what he looks like today! It is amazing how quickly he has grown. Emery had his 6 month doctor's appointment this morning, here are his impressive stats:

Weighing in at 17.1 lbs, and this is the best part, he is 27.5 inches long!!! Yes, our son is in the 84% percentile for height!!!! We are just laughing because as you all know he didn't get it from his mommy & daddy! He is laughing, grabbing & reaching for anything & chewing on everything. He can hold his bottle for a little bit (depending if he is in the mood). He loves to stand up (of course we are holding onto to him) and he is sitting up pretty well on his own. He continues to roll over to his belly (although still hasn't figured out how to get back over) and eating solid foods (his favorite is his oatmeal with sweet potatoes). Emery seems to be a happy boy! He brings us sooo much joy everyday, we can't imagine life without him!!!! We love you Emery Quinn!!!!!


Amber said...

6 months?? I can't believe it!! he is just the cutest baby boy ever!!

Brooke said...

Oh my gosh! I cant believe how big he is and he just gets cuter! I love the car seat comparison...thats clever!!!

Bastian Duo said...

He is so sweet! I am so glad that you have had so much fun with him....just think of all the years in front of you!!

Congrats Jason on your new job!! I am so happy for you and your family. This is just the beginning of a less stressful life.