Tuesday, May 6, 2008

May 2008

May 26: Went to the park downtown with the Steele's (below), Kellers (2 down) , Rutters, and the Arhets. Played some Frisbee and football for a few hours. Then Paul and I went to play Frisbee golf and about got killed by lightning. Fun though. It was a great time and a beautiful morning. I am still sore from diving around for the Frisbee.

May 26: Had this bad boy (Cooper Hawk) sitting about 10 feet from our kitchen window for about 1 and 1/2 hours. Really Pretty.

May 24: Had our friends the Welch's up for BBQ. They are moving to Nebraska so Nathan can finish his residency and become a Dr. We will miss them. I am holding their daughter Olivia who is only about 6 weeks old.

May 17: It is a beautiful day at 92 degrees! We went to Arrow Rock Reservoir with the doggies. Here is the latest picture of my belly. Only 11 more days until my due date.

Jason swimming with Carlin- the water temperature is 55 degrees!

The 3 doggies: they are so happy when they are in the water

Happy Mother's Day! We got Emery's letters on the wall. The nursery is complete. Hope you enjoy the pictures.

This was taken on Saturday, spring is here with the arrival of the wildflowers. We have beautiful daisies and purple flowers everywhere.

I am 37 weeks and considered full term! Emery could come at any time now and he would be okay. This picture was taken this evening when we got home from work. It is hard to believe that we will soon be meeting our son. We have had nine months of planning and preparing for his arrival. I will miss feeling his squirms and kicks but can't wait to meet him! The nursery is complete and we will post some more pictures soon....


broedell5 said...

I wish i was closer so i could rub your belly!! I miss those days so much!thinking of you all the time and wondering if today is the day!miss you guys! xoxox marcey

Amber said...

I can't believe Emery is almost here!! We're so excited for you guys!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Christy..what a beautiful baby belly you have...it's perfect. I hope you're feeling as good as you look. The nursery is darling. Love you guys! Laura

Anonymous said...

Thank God he looks like his mother and he is normal sized. Looks like he'll be able to ride the roller coasters when he grows up.

Your friends at Hubble