Monday, August 13, 2012

Big changes for Owen

Today we hit Target and purchased some "big boy" underwear for Mr. Owen.  He is going to be 3 on September 23rd so potty training here we come......I have to admit that I am dreading this milestone.  It is not an easy task to potty train but I am hoping that he catches on.  He is supposed to start preschool on September 4th so I am feeling the pressure.  His teacher says it's ok to send him in a pull up, but I would love it if he would just go in the potty :-)  And if you know Owen, you know he drinks a TON, I mean a TON of this is going to be tough!

He picked out Lightning McQueen undies.....they look a little big, but this was taken before I washed them :-)
And of course Emery wanted new ones too....he went with super heros, so batman won (he even got a batman backpack today for his new preschool).

Owen said the prayer tonight at bedtime and it went like this:
"Heavenly Father, thank you for Jesus, for mommy, daddy, Jake, brother (aka Emery), our bunk beds, our house, in Jesus name, Amen"........there is really nothing sweeter than hearing your 2 1/2 year old say such a meaningful prayer.

1 comment:

Amber said...

so cute in their big boy undies :)

GOOD LUCK with the potty training!