Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day

We had a great day today...went to church, I was asked to give a little talk and chose to speak about Jason.  Here's just a little of what I said:

Here is a quote I found from an article on Father's Day from some of the leaders in our church, it said, "The greatest work you will ever do will be within the walls of your own home". This is so true and such an important reminder.  Jason is an amazing father, his job description is pretty big, he is their mentor, their leader, teacher, playmate, their buddy, their hero and the list goes on. He is such a wonderful example to them. Jason spends countless hours outside with the boys, just doing boy things. They love to watch him fix things and work in the yard and do projects.  Emery often says "daddy, you are really good at fixing things", when I grow up, I will fix things too, just like you”.
Jason is such a wonderful example to me as a parent. He never complains about his responsbilities as a father. He loves his boys with all of his heart and it shows in every way.  He loves to make them laugh and they have such a great sense of humor just like their daddy.
 Since I work part time nights in the ER as a social worker, the boys get the opportunity to have lots of what we refer to as "daddy time". Jason is so great with them, he cooks them dinner, changes many diapers, and does the entire bedtime routine... reading to them and saying their bedtime prayers with them. He runs errands with all 3 of them, like going to home depot, the grocery store, and even Costco, he is very brave (I don't even take them all to Costco :-).  Although, we joke because some things don't always get done, like maybe they don't get a bath that night, but that's ok because that's daddy time and they are happy and so loved. 
Jason is a devoted father &our boys look up to him so much. He is a wonderful provider, he works so hard and has such a demanding job, but he finds a way to put on his daddy hat as soon as walks through the door, he jumps right in and is so hands on with the boys. Jason is building such great memories and traditions with our boys, from fishing, camping, boating, hiking and going on fun 4 wheeler rides.  They really do love their daddy!
I am so grateful that my children have a father like Jason. I want to thank him from the bottom of my heart for his love and service to our family, our boys are so lucky to have him!

We finished the day with a great dinner at our house with the whole family, my mom, Steve, Keegan & Grandma Oliver.  Happy Father's Day everyone!

1 comment:

Amber said...

jason's the best!! I had to give a talk on father's day too :)