Friday, January 7, 2011

25 weeks!

I am 25 weeks!  I really can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going.  I think it is because I don't have time to really focus on it and pay attention to the weeks :-)  I feel HUGE and get comments all the time about how I must be getting close, then I have to explain that I have 3 months to go!!!
I am really trying to take in every moment of this pregnancy since this will most likely be our last.  Every movement is amazing!  I know there are people out there that really dislike being pregnant but I am not one of them (at least until I am about 8 1/2
months :-)  But I have really been fortunate to have good pregnancies and I feel great. 


Amber said...

you look too cute :)

and what is this about liking being pregnant?? i guess i usually do too... just not lately. I guess I've already hit my uncomfortable point!!

Shane and Amy Jo said...

I think you look great! Such a gorgeous pregnant gal. I'm glad you are feeling well and soaking it all in.