Thursday, October 15, 2009

Memories from our week

This is the first week I have been by myself. I have to say that I was a bit scared about how it would go without any help. It hasn't been that bad, we have our moments when I think how am I going to get through the day but overall it has been great.

I also wanted to write about Emery's mishaps in the past week. I knew having boys would mean lots of scrapes, falls, etc but this has been a crazy week. We were out on Saturday and he fell on a tile floor and busted his lip open, then he had a really bad fall Sunday night from our kitchen chair face first onto the tile floor which resulted in a busted lip and his front tooth being pushed back, so we ended up at the dentist's office and he was able to push it back forward. There is no guarantee though, Emery might lose that tooth in the next month or so. It is a baby tooth but I really hope he doesn't have to go without a front tooth for years! A piece of firewood fell on Emery's foot last night, he fell off the couch yesterday and hit his head on the floor and then one of our cats bit him. I am totally paranoid now that he is going to hurt himself all of the time.

Owen having some tummy time

Emery decided to join him :-)

After a bath

Silly boy with my slippers

Emery didn't like that Owen was crying so he gave him a kiss, so sweet!

My friend Amy's son, Cade & Emery giving kisses to each other

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