Thursday, October 2, 2008

Emery goes to his first BSU game

We took Emery to his first BSU game last night. He had a stomach ache before the game so I thought he might not do very well. He had his moments of being okay, but then the loud noise of the crowd scared him. We sat in the student section so you can imagine right????
This pic was taken pre-game with Grammy Lynn

This was hilarious, we had cotton balls in his ears too but we decided to use his burp cloths as well

You can see a real tear in this one

Our friends, Paul & Megan


Allie said...

That is so funny! We took Livi to a football game and were concerned about the noise as well. She ended up taking a nap in spite of the cheering. Emery is getting bigger every moment.

Bastian Duo said...

Bummer that I didn't get to see you guys! We sit on the other side of the stadium. It looks like you had a good time, except the little one!