The one below was taken right when we got out of the car
He's going to Riverside Elementary, it's a really great school, everyday from 9:10-12:00
Taken right before he went into his classroom for the first time
A pic with his teacher Mrs. Jones
Hanging up his backpack for the first time
Walking out of the class after we said goodbye, I looked around the room after all the kids left and there were lots of tears in the parents' eyes
I held it together until I walked to my car and drove away, this one below was taken as I left with tears rolling down both cheeks!
Saying goodbye to his teacher at the end of the day
It's pretty surreal.....Jason and I have been talking about the day when Emery would start school and it always seemed so far away and then all of the sudden the day is just here. He is so ready and mostly we are excited for him, but of course as a parent you worry.....and if your this mommy, you overly worry on a good day :-) The parents were asked to fill out a questionnaire on parent night and describe your child in 3 words, ours were "passionate, loving and sensitive", Emery is going to do great, we are proud of the little boy that he has become already!