Saturday, February 27, 2010
I DID IT!!!!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Happy 5 months Owen!!!
Owen is 5 months old today! Time is a strange thing. It feels like Owen has been in our family forever but at the same time we can remember when we just had Emery and we were awaiting Owen's arrival. Owen is a really sweet baby, he is always smiling and cooing and laughs easily. He has a great schedule and is a good napper and has been sleeping through the night since he was about 3 1/2 months. He does not like to be rocked to sleep but enjoys being walked around, loves the swing and falls asleep on his own. He is learning how to sit up and roll over. We joke about his head size because his doctor said his head is in the 95th percentile and she said "no wonder he can't roll over yet, his head is too heavy" :-) We love him so much and his big brother loves him too.
A little comparison (Owen about 5 weeks old)
5 months old (he has grown a little :-)
Monday, February 22, 2010
Paragliding adventures in California
Jason went to San Diego for business and got the opportunity to go up to Santa Barbara with his good friend Brent to go paragliding at Elings Park. Brent & Jason learned to paraglide at this park years ago together. What a gorgeous place overlooking the Pacific Ocean!!! We are hoping to go as a family in August! Check out Jason flying like a bird!!!
Jason practicing the art of "kiting" his wing
Too Sweet
So this picture was apparently taken this morning by Jason. Emery decided to get up this morning at 5:00 and I was not ready to get up yet. So, I tried letting him cry it out in his crib and I couldn't sleep so I went and brought him into bed with me. In the past, he would not stay in bed with me, but this morning he passed out :-)
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Their first bath together!

Random pics from the week of the boys
Here are quite a few pics from the week. Owen isn't rolling over yet but he is thinking about it. Emery LOVES going outside and I am not very good about getting him out there because of Owen, but today I decided that since the sun came out, it was time.
Our snow is quickly melting as you can see, but Emery doesn't mind :-)
He was determined to get in that dirt!
Emery saying over and over "rock"
He kept touching the snow saying "cold"
I don't think he could be any cuter, I know I know I am biased!!!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
A little trip down memory lane
I have been saying to Emery, go give Owen and hug & a kiss and he does, so cute :-)
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Owen & tummy time
I can't get enough of Owen. He is the sweetest baby boy. We do tummy time mostly when his big brother is sleeping. He's not rolling yet but I am sure it won't be long.
Our morning
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Emery loves his bath!
This was actually taken today when Jason was getting ready for his trip. Emery has been a little under the weather with a cold and a bath always makes him happy.
He has been laying down lately (cute bum shot)