Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas 2012

We had a wonderful Christmas here at the Huszars :-)  Nana, Steve, Keegan, and Grandma Oliver came over Christmas Eve and we had a nice dinner and they spent the night so they could be here in the morning to see what Santa brought the kiddos.  We took advantage of the beautiful snow and went sledding in our driveway with the sleds that Santa brought the boys :-)

The boys had a great Christmas, it was truly magical to see their genuine excitement, we wrote a note to Santa with his plate of cookies and milk and left food for the reindeers!  It was special having Ellie, she is so sweet, she got her first baby dolls and purse :-)
The boys did so awesome with opening their presents....they actually took their time and weren't rushed to get to the next one, it was really great!  We hope they are starting to understand the true meaning of Christmas......Jake got a toy from grandma Kim that is a cake with serving plates, etc and Emery said "we are having cake for Jesus's birthday today" and served everyone a piece of cake, it was very sweet!

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