Tuesday, July 10, 2012

It's a __________________!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!  I still can't believe it!  We had an ultrasound at 15 weeks and my doc said he was 80% sure it was girl, but I couldn't wrap my head around the idea.  I was thinking we would go in there today and would be told it's a boy, but that didn't happen :-)  We are very excited for the new adventure!  Now it's time to start thinking names.  I have a good excuse to go shopping now too!  The baby looks healthy and our prayers have been answered.  We are feeling very grateful.

I just love this small video.....she's trying to suck her thumb and moving her mouth lots, so cute!

Here's a pic of me on this day...........I wore the right color :-)


Amy said...

So exciting! Well, it is either way but what a lucky little girl to have 3 older brothers. I love checking in with your rapidly growing family. Congratulations!

Shane and Amy Jo said...

I'm still giddy about this. She will be the most darling girl EVER!!

Amber said...

yay yay yay!!! i'm so excited for baby girl huszar :)