Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Update on Owen's speech

So I have been taking Owen to speech therapy once a week for 1 hour for about 6 weeks now.  He is saying more words these days....on a regular basis he says : shoes, juice, night night, mama, dada, car, truck, NO, choo-choo, bye bye, hi, go, toes, nose, tickle.  He has mastered NO....I mean you can ask him anything and he says NO.  It's pretty entertaining to listen to a conversation between Owen and Emery.  Emery will be jabbering away and Owen just says no with a smile.  I know there is so much more in there that wants to come out but he hasn't quite figured out how to express it.  I know a day will come when he won't stop talking :-)  if he is anything like his older brother, but we are proud of the progress he is making.  He's a doll and we just love him to pieces.


Amber said...

yay!! way to go owen!

Brooke said...

This is great news!!!!! Owen is on his way...and you're right, one day he won't stop talking I bet ha! You are so smart to tackle the issue right away;)