Thursday, January 15, 2009

Just some thoughts.....

I just wanted to journal some thoughts that have been on my mind lately. Motherhood is such an amazing journey and it is so rewarding. With that said, it is the hardest job I have ever had!!! There are so many questions that come up everyday. I was talking to my friend Amy this morning about all of the questions and thoughts that I am having. I was telling her that I don't know if I am doing the right thing sometimes with Emery, for example when he wakes up in the middle of the night for no apparent reason, the question is always "do I let him self soothe and try to go back to bed on his own (and let him cry which I am not good at)" or "do I rock him back to sleep (which I do)" or "do I feed him since he is probably hungry", As you can see I contemplate all of these things in the middle of the night :) I realized that it doesn't matter if I know all of the answers. She told me that I will know what is best for Emery (thanks Amy for always being there to talk to). Sometimes it can feel like I don't know what I am doing at all, can any of you relate??? I am just trying to figure out these as I go and do the best I can. That is all we can do, right?
Emery has been showing the signs of teething for months now and he doesn't have any teeth :) He has had a decreased appetite the last few days and has been up at night for no apparent reason. I have learned and poor Jason has witnessed that I don't function very well when I am sleep deprived. Well, I have been rambling long enough..... just wanted to share some thoughts. I know you mothers out there can relate.


Brooke said...

ohhh, I can relate! I feel all of those things and have all those questions! The night waking business is a can they sleep well through the night for months and then all the sudden start waking for NO reason!! I do think its the teeth--even though I feel like I cant blame everything on that, I do anyways!! I hear that approaching or achieving a developmental milestone can wake them, too.

All the advice is hard to sort out. God gave us a motherly instinct for a reason... so I try hard to use that to make each decision. Parenting is so hard..I hear you loud and clear!!!

Amber said...

I can relate! wouldn't it be awesome if they could just TELL us what was going on with them?? i'm sure you're doing the right thing!