Sunday, June 8, 2008

Saturday June 7th

Grammy Lynn came over on Saturday and got to spend some time with Emery. Here are some picture of the little guy. Things are going well with Emery, although it is a big transition and Christy has been without good sleep for about 11 days. I am sure things will improve in that area someday. Emery is definately worth it, but it is truly on the job training!
This is actually from Thursday. Very funny. Look at those pegs with those leg warmers.


broedell5 said...

The sleeping gets better I promise!He is beautiful.again wishing i was there to hug everyone!missing you guys. xoxo marcey

Amber said...

Congrats guys! And yes, the sleeping gets better... after a year or so... ha ha ok maybe not that long.

After you've had a few weeks to adjust, we'd love to hang out.

Hope you're doing well!