Well we realized that we probably should be putting the newer posts at the top of the page, not the bottom. This is our last post of 2007. As you can tell I was salivating below over a new dish that Christy made last night called Bolognese pizza. It was delicious!!! I fell asleep before midnight last night and Christy was awake to see the ball drop. 10 years ago last night I asked Christy to marry me. Wow how this mortal life flies by!! More to come soon. HAPPY NEW YEAR AND GOD BLESS.

Welcome to our new blog. Here are the boys between stops while looking for a Christmas tree. Although they were rarely in the truck, they would ride between stops sometimes. We went just north of Idaho City for the second year to locate and chop down our Christmas tree. It was a great time and we went with Amy (Christy's friend) and her Mom and Dad.
Here is our Christmas Tree. We took about 4 feet off the bottom so we ended up with about 13.5 feet in our house. Note: Jason was willing to have a 10 footer!
We've gotten a lot of snow this winter so far. Here is a view from our dining room at sunrise on 12/21.
Here is my "rig". I have been plowing quite a bit lately. The boys assist me... Here Carlin is licking the snow off his wiskers.

Here are the boys watching me "Jason" work around the garage.

Carlin, Riley, and Codi (left to Right) laying down (Carlin is upset about that) to take a picture. Note that he won't look at the camera even
thoughI continue to call his name!!!
Christy, the boys, and me on Christmas Day.

Lynn opening her gift on Christmas.
We enjoyed having Nana with us again this year. Here she is opening up her gift.

Here are Christy, Lynn, and Nana on the front porch on Christmas day.

I don't want to talk about it because my throat begins to tighten up, but there is a crib for a new human being in my home. Just kidding, but more to come on that soon. :)

12/31: This is a picture of the Momma to be. She will be 19 weeks in 2 days. What a beautiful woman!!

christy & jason, This is awesome!!!i'm so happy that you are pregnant and this blog is awesome.i will have to get one for us! i will call you soon!! xoxox marcey
Hi Jason & Christy ~
OK, for us older folks, what is a
blog? The pictures are so totally
wonderful! I love all the snow.
Do I still e-mail you to say hi?
And Christy, did you get the pics
I sent of Lois (the turkey) in the
house with Ron's mom & dogs? So cute.
Lots of love, Linda
Well, now that I've got a new lap top and I don't have to compete for computer time with Jack, nor do I need to wipe peanut butter off my mouse before checking my emails, I can check into your blog whenever I feel like it. Yeehoo..it's the little things, ya know? Christy, you look terrific. Don't know if you had a rough first couple months. It was pretty easy for me, just felt real tired. Jack used to hick-up at the same time in the afternoon (in my tummy), it would jump and last about 20 minutes. After he was born, he still did hic-cupped the same time every afternoon! Must have been my afternoon Pepsi!
The most beautiful, spiritual, undiscribable wonderful feeling is when the docs put that baby into your arms. Wow, the sun doesn't give off that much warmth.
We had a nice Christmas with MK and Grandma--I am still not feeling back to normal, but I'll get there. Just needed to make some long overdue changes--don't have the best stomach and I chose to ignore what it was telling me. The newest test showed some shadowing in my uterus, so I've got that to deal with now. Maybe I should be like Grandma--she never goes to the doctor, she's 85 and never really been sick.
Thanks so much for the Omaha surprise. I need to lay off red meat for a while and keep it really low fat, but I'll look forward to those burgers and fillets. Also, thanks so much for the flowers. I had a very difficult time in the hospital. They put me in the derelict ward, it was filthy and loud, I was disoriented because of pain meds and it was just a nightmare. Your flowers really cheered me up.
So onward and upward, 08 will be the year for change, good changes! New president..can't frickin' wait to get the Texas dumbass back to cutting brush in Crawford. New baby! Wow, that's a biggie, and good health for everyone. (I'd settle for better health right now..heee!)
Peace on you all! Please give my best to Lynne. Give the boys a kiss from me. XXOO Laura
Christy!! I found you through Marcey's blog!! You look great & baby on the way!! Wow. So where do you all live? It's so pretty?
We have 1 golden, I can't believe you have 3. Our girl is 5 her name is Maggie. Check out my blog when you get a chance. Its my family blog, but I am a photographer as well so I have some of that too.
The camper shell really does make it look like an old man rig!
If only the "boys" new what was on the way and that they will hardly see any camera time in the future.
Nice blog!! Christy--you look great! Jason, I hope Dave told you how much Quinn LOVES the walk n- ride you got her! She plays with it all the time. I'll have to send you some pictures! (I'm sure there's some on our blog)
Christy and Jason...congratulations! I found you through Tanya's blog page and I am so happy that I saw your news! I sure hope you are feeling well. You look terrific! I would really like to catch up soon. Please email me a phone number and a good time to call. I am home right now on maternity leave with our son, Carson, so I have plenty of time for catching up! My email is jamielynntaylor@comcast.net.
Best wishes to both of you! Miss you!
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