It is truly hard to believe that Emery was born 2 years ago on May 29, 2008. I am writing this post now because we will be gone on his actual birthday camping.
Here's me 5 days before
Taken right before surgery

Jason brought Emery over to me to meet for the 1st time!
His stats: weight 8'7 and 19 1/2 inches

Taken in the recovery room (don't mind how I look, I was just taking in holding this precious newborn)

He was one proud daddy

Bare with me....I am super emotional!!! As I looked back through these pictures, I balled my eyes out!! We waited so long to get pregnant and to have a baby. Emery, you came at the perfect time, God knew the plan and we are so grateful that he entrusted us to care for you and to be your parents.
You are an amazing child...we love the little person that you are becoming. You have an awesome sense of humor and you just love life. You love being outside (anytime rain, snow or shine :-) You love to talk (gee I wonder where you get that from), and we love seeing you discover and learn new things everyday! You are a sweet boy who loves to give kisses and hugs and just plain cuddle at times (please don't stop doing this). I think about the first year of your life and the endless rocking that we did (people would say, "you shouldn't rock your baby"), well I am so glad I didn't listen because those are some of my best memories with you as a baby.
Emery Quinn, you are named after 2 great men, Grandpa Emery Huszar and Papa "Jerry
Quinn" Oliver, we love you more than words can say, thank you for making the last 2 years
so incredible.