Do we have a little drummer in the making? Will he follow in grandpa Tony's footsteps?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Fun at the pool
I went to the pool with 2 of my friends and their kiddos. Emery seems to like the water. Here are a few pics from our time together.
Trying to get 3 babies to pose at the same time (doesn't work too well as you can see)
Monday, July 20, 2009
Visit with dad
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Rocking out with Coldplay

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Silly Monkey
These were taken 2 nights ago after Emery's bath. He is so funny. These pajamas are from Grandma Kim and they are size 18 months, he is a growing boy!
Monday, July 6, 2009
4th of July in Cali
We spent the July 4th weekend in California with the Huszars. It was great to see everybody. Uncle Mike flew in from Indiana & great grandma Mary and great aunt Kay drove up too ( it was a mini Huszar reunion). Emery got lots of love!!! We even got some family pictures!
Grandpa Tony showing Emery the drums (a mini version :)
Emery chillin on the patio on Tony's birthday on Friday
We got to see our good friends Jason & Kelly with their daughter Paige and brand new baby boy Palmer (born June 30)
After all of the excitement, Emery passed out on our long drive home!