Adam & Jordan Lee enjoying the slip-n-slide

Thanks again to everyone for making it such a memorable day for Emery!!!!!
This is the Huszar family blog. You can view a larger version of any picture by clicking on it. We hope you enjoy. God Bless and we love all of you.
These were taken today after church in the backyard. It is a beautiful day and the wild flowers are everywhere.
We bought these PJ's a few months ago and I remember thinking that these will not fit him at 12 months, well I guess I was wrong. He is getting to be such a big boy!
Emery with his daddy (notice Carlin on the left sliding in the sand)
Emery's 1st ride on the swings, he loved it!!!
My mom had Emery going down the slide and then daddy came along.....
And daddy decided to send Emery down by himself!!!!
Happy Mother's Day to all of you!