August 30, 2008:Just got back from King Mountain Idaho near Arco about 40 miles from the Montana border. Went up and finally got a chance to do some paragliding this summer. This video and picture (both are poor quality) are while in flight about 3000 ft over the LZ (Landing Zone). It was awesome!

Spent the morning at the cafe with my Mom and some friends on Friday

August 21, 2008: EMERY IS 3 MONTHS OLD TODAY!!!!!! We can't believe how much he has grown and changed already. We did a little photo shoot this morning with some of his stuffed animals and blankets, etc. It has been 6 nights of Emery sleeping 9 hours so I think we have found our new routine!!! (which makes for a happy mommy) This afternoon we went into the hot tub to try out his new floaty! Enjoy the pics!

Emery trying to put the tail in his mouth

Those legs are hilarious!!!

Grandma Kim got Emery this cute bear

Emery trying to eat Mr. Bear

At first he wasn't sure if he liked it!

He is starting to like it

His face says it all!

Can you say total relaxation?????

And of course Carlin found us!!!!

Emery in his crib right after his swim!

August 19, 2008: Okay here is the sleep update. Emery has slept 9 hours per night for the past 4 nights. YEAH!!!! He is getting stronger with holding his head up (see pic below in his bumpo seat). The other pics were taken this afternoon with his new toy from Costco! We love costco!

Sunday August 17, 2008: The video was taken this am. Emery slept 9 1/2 hours two nights in a row!!!! I hope we are in a new routine but I don't want to get my hopes up!
Riley hanging out with Emery this am

Emery on the couch with us last night.

August 15, 2008: I am in love with my son! He is such a sweetie pie! I can't get enough of him!

I was giving him kisses and he was sticking his tongue out (we didn't get that on camera)

What a smile!!!!!!!

August 14, 2008: We had a mini photo shoot this am of Emery having some tummy time. He only tolerates it for a few minutes and then gets fussy!!!

August 13, 2008- These are a few pics that were taken this week. Emery is growing so fast!!! We love this little guy, he brings us so much happiness!

Grandma Kim got him some foot rattles, he loves them!!

Look at those legs!!!!!

August 9, 2008: Emery had his first swimming lesson with his daddy in the hot tub! He seemed to really enjoy the water.

Emery was getting hungry and started to eat daddy's nose!!!

Emery after spa time (sacked out).

August 9, 2008: Home today enjoying some time together and getting some chores done. This is a really cute video of Emery talking. Turn up your speakers. Love to all.
August 8, 2008- These were taken today. Emery got a new toy. I am not sure how interested he is but he is a cutie! He is growing too fast!!!! He was 10 weeks old on Thursday!

His smile is contagious!!

These were taken over the weekend of the doggies having some summer fun at the river.

August 3, 2008: Today after church we had several friends over and had Emery's baby blessing. Here are some pictures. We had a good time.

Bishop Wagstaff and me cooking. Gotta love the very feminine apron I'm wearing.

The Steele's. Amy is due with their 4th child this week.

The Rutter's. Madison and Logan love to beat me up and chase me around.

Emery had his 2 month checkup on Thursday and all looks good. He was 23.5 inches long (71st percentile) and 12 pounds 4 ounces (63rd percentile) in weight. Here are a couple of pictures from bath time with the robe Aunt Kelli got him.

Today (Friday) I went wakeboarding with a few friends from work. Here is a video of Jarrett eating it hard. Wish it was better quality. I laughed so hard I cried.