Saturday-July 26, 2008. The pics of Emery were taken before we went on the boat today. He did great on the boat, we think he likes the movement! We went with our friends, the Kellers, Dave learned how to wakeboard and did awesome. Jason is progressing with new tricks! Enjoy!

Jason (below) with his 180 trick!

The Keller Family

Dave's first time wakeboarding

July 26, 2008- These were taken this am. We can't get enough of this little guy, he is too cute and precious!

Happy Friday! The video is of Emery trying to say something to mommy this am.

Dave's first time wakeboarding

July 26, 2008- These were taken this am. We can't get enough of this little guy, he is too cute and precious!

Thursday, July 24, 2008- Emery is 2 months old today! We can't believe how much he has grown and changed lately. He is smiling, making the cutest sounds and interacting with us. The sleeping schedule is interesting. Mommy had a few really good days where he slept 8-9 hours per night but it turns out that he must have been going through a growth spurt! He is back to waking up every 4 hours (yuk). Enjoy the video (he wouldn't smile for the video, but I got this picture below).

These were taken on July 20th. Emery seems to like his furry brothers! Carlin is in the middle; he loves Emery!

July 18, 2008-Friday night- We had our friends, the Tucker family over this evening. It was fun with 3 baby boys! Emery doesn't know it yet but these will be his buddies!

July 20,2008 - Here are a few pictures from the last few days. Emery is growing quickly. Here are a couple of pictures from today (Sunday). This is his shirt he wore to church. What a cute kid!

July 18, 2008- Happy Friday! This video was taken this am. Emery is smiling for the camera.
July16,2008- These were taken today. Once again Carlin enjoys being very close to his brother Emery! The pic below is Emery trying to talk to his mommy this morning!!!

Emery getting hungry!
Emery Chilin' on July 12
July 10, 2008- Emery is smiling now! It makes my heart melt every time!! He is changing everyday with new sounds and facial expressions.

Carlin loves Emery, he always wants to be near him!!!!!

Grandpa Tony & Lulu with baby Emery

July 4th weekend: We decided to drive to California to surprise Jason's dad, Laura & brother Jack. We showed up on Thursday morning on Tony's birthday. He was extremely surprised and very excited to meet his grandson Emery. It was a long drive but Emery did great!