June 3: This is Emery this morning. The shirt says it all. Christy has gotten next to no sleep but he is worth it.

June 2 (Post 2): Christy and her baby boy. These are great.

June 2: Emery's first bath at home. He was not pleased! He did a good job overall. We got to put his post bath outfit on that the Tucker's gave us. He is a good boy.

Now that we are getting a little more settled in we are getting our other children back inside and familar with non-canine son. They are coping. Here we all are in the nursery tonight June 1. As you can tell, Emery was thrilled by the experience.

Dad giving Emery a kiss.

I sure love my non-canine Son.

And so do thy hairy son's!!

Well we made it home last night about 7:45 pm (Saturday May 31). Last night was a very long night. Emery was awake much of the night for feeding and fussing. Mom is exhausted, and has had little to no sleep. The both of them are now asleep in the nursery in the recliner for about 1.5 hours, which constitutes the best sleep Christy has had in 24 hours. She is doing an amazing job, especially when considering she just underwent major abdominal surgery. Many thanks to God's divine planning that woman do this stuff, or the human race would cease to exist!! More to come soon, Mr. Emery should be up any time now. Love to all of you. Jason
Also, realized I never posted Emery's weight,etc. He was 8 pounds 7 Ounces and 19.5 inches long and born at 9:53 AM on May 29, 2008.
Hilarious. We like when he sleeps a lot..
Just before leaving the hospital.
Proud Mom leaving the hospital.
Emery's first picture at home on May 31 about 8:45 pm.

Then we received this beautiful rainbow to look at.
Emery's first ride in his swing. He likey long time...
Emery sleeping today(sunday) about 11:00 am. He is so darn cute.