We also had our friends over for dinner...
Amy and Shane
Allison, Austin, and Nathan
Feb 2007 was not like feb 2008 in that it was a much milder winter. We did get a good snow fall though. Here is Carlin and I having some fun in the back yard during a snow fall.
My sons and I posing for a shot.

Later the same month (Feb) out getting some rocks for landscaping from a local place up the street...
March was a big month. We got a new couch!!!!

No, that is not it. We had Jared visit ...

We went snowboarding as well. Here I want you to play the video an notice the very girly air caught by Jared. Now I don't claim to be a good snowboarder, but my Grandma could catch more air than this....
Here he is again trying a little harder. Still very feminine, but better...

Now here I want you to notice the amazing air. This one is me...Very nice if I must say so myself.
Jared and I at the summit. It was a very nice day in the 50's.

We took the boys down to the lake with Jared.

And we took baldy to Idaho City as well.

What a stud...
We also celebrated Christy's 30th birthday. Here we are the melting pot.

And we went snowboarding again. Well, Christy and Lynn are two plankers, but it was another beautiful day as you can see.
Austin, son of Allison and Nathan celebrated his 1st birthday.

We had cake, but I don't know if Austin enjoyed it. :)

Brent came to visit and ate us out of house and home..

After he digested his food we went to Squaw butte and paraglided. We launch about 50 feet from where this picture was taken. It was a beautiful day and a cool flight. We both got about 300 feet over lauch and flew the side of the rock cliff off to the east of launch for about 15 minutes. It was awesome. We ended up with about a 35 minute flight, which isn't that long, but it was still great.

Here is Brent getting a flight recommendation from Eddie one of our local expert paragliders...

And the elk stopped by to graze and poop in our yard.
We took a ride with some friends to Silver City in Idaho. This is a town about 15 miles into the Owyhee Mountains southwest of Boise.
This town has no electricity or phones. We were talking to a couple of the residents because we noticed that there were phone poles in the town. They said they had phone up until WWII when the government pulled out all the copper lines to the town for the war. They still have the crank phones in the town so they can call each other from house to house. Pretty cool.
All of these buildings are from the mid-late 1800's. Here is a church from around 1860.

Our great friends the Goodwins came to see us in May and we had a great time. Here is Kelly, Paige, and Jason.

While they were here we went to the zoo. Here we have two monkeys embarrasing their wives while riding a fake elephant; very strange.

$10 dollars for gas to go to town.
$5 dollars for a kite.
Seeing your heterosexual friend fly a
My Little Pony kite, priceless.
Note that you can click on the picture for a full size image to print, send to a friend, or to make t-shirts. 
We also did some hiking up by Bogus with Nathan, Allison, and Austin. It was a great hike and Austin's first. He was a good boy and enjoyed the ride on Dad's back.

As usual the boys had a great time as did Christy.

Summer Time
If I had to use one word to describe summer it would be water. We were on the water every weekend or at the river playing with the boys. It was a fun summer.
Here are the boys at the river.

Shane catching some air.

4th of July Picnic
We had some friends over for the 4th and it was a fun and relaxing day. We better enjoy those while we can with little man on the way...
I know we post a lot of pictures of the boys, but they are just so darn good looking, aren't they? Look are Carlin behaving (far right). Brings a tear to my eye.

Amy and Christy

Jaron, Craig, and Mindy.
Patty, Jordan, Jennifer, and Jaron(baby).

Stud and Paul.

Jordan, Mindy, Chris, and Adam.

Carlin (looking for food), Amy, Jaron, and Jennifer.

Back on the water. Jason catching weak air...
Boys swimming

Loving it. Nothing like the morning on a summer day when all you have to do is sit on the lake.

Boys dualing for the ball.

Carlin loves sticks. He will not go after balls, frizbees, etc. But if you throw a stick or food, he goes for it.

Riley showing off his jumpin' skills...

Christy and her boy...
Craig and Camile on the tube getting thrashed.
Christy's first time wakeboarding. She got up on the 2nd try.

A little better.

Amy catching air...

Camping at Gooselake near Brundage/Mccall Idaho.
Christy, me, and the boys went camping up near Brundage. It was a great trip.
This is a picture from the place we camped.

Dogs getting some water in the creek at the beginning of our hike to the summit.

There are several alpine lakes on the way to the summit. Beautiful.

Chilly at first, but too beautiful to pass up. The visibility was amazing.

Pictures on the way up... The lake in the picture is where we started and were camping.
These two pictures are great. Here is Christy and Riley.
I know, but you have to admit, Dogs do smile...

Found some snow pack up toward the summit which was a nice treat.

The summit. Just under 8500 feet. It was about a 10 mile hike.

Riley, our half Golden Retreiver and half pig, cooling off in the mud toward the end of the hike.

Christy kicking back at camp.

Worked out in the yard a little and the Fletcher's stopped by with baby Jaron who Carlin loved.

This is the entrance to Lynn's subdivision. The trees are beautiful in the fall.

Our trip to Salt Lake City at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints temple.

November 10, 2007 was a special day for us. We were sealed (i.e. eternal marriage) in the Salt Lake Temple. This temple took 40 years to build and is the House of the Lord.

Thanksgiving day with the Kellers and Lynn and John.

Quinn (baby), Amber, and David.

We get so many great sunsets and sunrises. Here is a nice one.

For pictures of December refer to our blog post for Dec 2007 by clicking here...http://huszars.blogspot.com/2007_12_01_archive.html#5979328553026925760