Today is Feb 17, 2008 and we have finally purchased some of the decor for little Emery's nursery. We thought we would continue the animal theme in our lives with alligators, tigers, monkeys, elephants, and zebras. More to come soon. We have Monday off so it is a 3 day weekend.
Here is a picture of the boys this morning. The snow is melting but we have a long way to go before we will have grass again. This picture is in our backyard and there is still about 2.5 feet of snow on the ground which is hard so the boys can walk on top of it.
I am 24 weeks! Emery is really starting to move now. I think he might be a gymnast and take after Jason!!!Here is a picture taken from the driveway. The piles of snow are only moveable by the "big" equipment now. All we can do is try to keep the middle part clean.

Here is a shot from close to the start of our driveway to give you some idea of how far we have to plow to our house.
As you can see, Cody likes to watch us plow from the top of the snow piles. He is part wolf we think and loves to be outside all the time. Riley on the other hand, our eldest, is inside waiting to go sleep by the fire. His most recent nickname is "Wolfy".
On Friday night we had to hire a subcontractor to clean up our driveway with a huge front loader. There are a few pictures of that below. We made it into town Saturday to get some food. On Saturday night (i.e. last night) we received another 14-16 inches of new snow. We have drifts over 5 feet high all over the place and where we have to pile the snow from plowing is 7 feet and higher in spots. More to come.
Happy February 1st! It is still snowing.... We have had over 2 feet of snow in the last few days. Our roof has over 4 feet so shoveling the roof will be next priority!
Jason and I have been snowed in for 3 days!!!! Our driveway is a horrible mess, so we have hired a neighbor with heavy equipment to clean it up today. Our snow plow system isn't cutting it anymore and I know Jason is tired of getting stuck!

Notice on the picture below that our 5 foot fence is getting close to being covered.

The picture below is taken from the front door. I don't think we will have any vistors any time soon. Our front porch is buried!!!!